In May 2022, VRD Studio launched a networking strategy. The aim was to gain a better understanding of the target industries and eco-systems in which we will be operating.
After joining French Tech Bordeaux, we realized just how beneficial it had been for us. Obviously from a strictly business and professional development point of view, but also for us personally, in managing and understanding our lives as entrepreneurs.
We recently felt the need to integrate, in addition to French tech, an eco-system that is really more oriented towards digital and the technologies that concern VRD Studio.
Digital Aquitaine came highly recommended by a fellow entrepreneur whom we hold in high esteem.
After a few discussions with their teams, we immediately appreciated the way we were welcomed and informed, and decided to join Digital Aquitaine.
In particular, we joined two clubs within Digital Aquitaine.
Firstly, the Smart 4D club, which focuses on virtual reality and associated technologies in all their applications in general, and with missions around sobriety and digital responsibility.

The second club we have joined is the Club Commerce Connecté. The aim is to promote the deployment of digital technology in all its forms, in order to foster the commerce of the future. As our services are largely aimed at improving the customer's purchasing experience, we hope to learn from them and make our own contribution.

We would like to warmly thank Digital Aquitaine for their warm welcome and for featuring them in the December newsletter, which you can read here. ici.